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Mario's Story


Mario Pirone came to the United States on October 30, 1972, his sixteenth birthday. Mario and his parents moved to Princeton, New Jersey where he attended one year of public High School helping to learn the English language. While attending school he held down two jobs, one in a fish /meat market and the other as a dishwasher in an Italian Restaurant. This is where his talented started to grow. He started as the dishwasher and moved up the ranks to busboy, waiter, and maitre'd. At twenty one he opened his own restaurant but his first attempt fell short. It was soon closed down and Mario went back to the drawing board and started over with a partner in Ocean County. That restaurant was a success and after years there, Mario ventured out on his own again and this time was the right moment and the right restaurant, which is known as Pirone's. Mario has created an Italian Family Restaurant with his own personal touches. After 23 years of making a staple in the Westampton community Mario has started a new adventure and gone a different directon. Mario's Pizza has all the greatness of his experience, compacted into a cozy Italian Pizzeria in Glassboro. The farm boy from Pettoranello di Molise, Italy turned into a great restaurant entrepreneur and has had many successful years in the industry. 


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